Saturday, August 8, 2009

Double Trouble

Braden and I were both busy packing for a trip, when we noticed the house was QUIET!!! I don't know how your house is?? But at our house, if it's quiet...that means T R O U B L E!! Braden began calling the boys names but unfortunately, there was NO RESPONSE! Braden ran upstairs to see what the silence was about and this is what he found...
Will and Trent had found pink and red nail polish in Kelsey's room and decided to paint their toes! As you can see, Trent also painted his face! God Bless America!!

1 comment:

  1. OH I LOVE IT!!! See this is why you need a blgo girl! F U N N Y!!!! They are such cuties, did they get in trouble? naaaa
